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Venue security information

Your safety and security is our priority. Working together with local and national authorities, security measures across NEC Group venues are under constant review to ensure that they remain effective and proportionate.

We have comprehensive and integrated overt security measures in place including; tailored venue search operations, strategically placed security personnel, multi-purpose dog response teams and intelligence led CCTV monitoring.

In addition, extensive covert security measures are also in place, so whilst you may not see all operational security activity, you should be assured that activity is on-going, often behind the scenes.

We work in partnership with West Midlands Police, who often deploy a variety of resources to work alongside our team.

These controls and other protective measures are in place across all NEC Group venues, throughout event periods and at all other times.


What can you do to help?

  • We encourage you to arrive to the venue as early as possible, to allow more time for enhanced security checks.
  • It is best for everyone if you do not bring a bag at all. You should only bring essentials and note that bags larger than a small laptop bag or handbag may not be allowed into the venue.
  • Our security teams work hard to keep you safe, please help them by co-operating with their requests.
  • Please remain vigilant and if something doesn’t look right, you should speak to staff or the police who will take appropriate action.


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